Saturday, January 24, 2009

Korean Delicacies

It can difficult to decide what to order when eating out here in Korea, because even if it is written in English there is often something lost in translation.

Another reason why choosing what to eat here can be difficult is because boiled bugs are all the rage. I promise you that this is not just an odd and rare sighting of boiled bugs; they are entirely ubiquitous here. They're like hot dogs in the States, always sold next to the corn on the cob at fairs and national parks and at little stands set up to serve people hiking in the woods.

Mike says we need to try them before we leave, in the spirit of "When in Rome..." I reminded him that they don't eat bugs in Rome. They eat pizza, pasta, and tiramisu. I also told him if he wants me to eat bugs, he should move me to Rome.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather have your mothers cheese soup!

Unknown said...

actually I had that last night. Went on a date, she was kind of a daring and fun date. I adore her! But wandered into this random bar in Honolulu, a Korean karaoke type bar, and this was on the menu. She batted her eyelashes, rubbed up on my shoulder, I ordered a double jack and coke and we proceeded to down an order of this stuff, with healthy portions of Kim Chee. It was rather earthy in flavor, the spice from the kim chee actually made it better. the consistency was rather irregular in consistency. hard outer skin, no real "mush" or crunch to it, they felt "hollow" when eating em, it was almost all husk.

defintely an experience.

ayhacahaya said...

i don't like it :(